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The investment corporation “TCA Capital” is private funding company. The team has decades of investment experience, TCA Capital has built a strong operationally-focused team which work closely with private investors, TCA Capital have developed a deep set-up within the industry since foundation and has a supreme JV with TCA SA.

TCA [Thomson Corporate Advisors] Geneva Switzerland has successfully advised many venture vehicles, targeting platform investments in the UK, Caribbean and Switzerland. Add-on investments play an integral role in TCA investment approach of enabling companies to fulfil their growth potential.

The investment policy is firm on finding investment targets with smart expansion potential. Identifying the marketplace sentiments with primary growth drivers, opportunities for expansion throughout the market consolidation and investing in competitive tactic companies with strong potential for taking markets shares. We offer seed, venture, and growth-stage investment funding and contribute knowledge in crucial services including branding, marketing, development, overseas expansion and finance.

TCA Capital is a supreme asset management company with ventures under management across a variety of alternative projects.

Our investments center on four commercial industry sectors